I'm going to Israel today. Unplanned.
They called me (dispatchers) and asked me to go.
They called me (dispatchers) and asked me to go.
The land, what I love the most.
The land, where I feel safe and in harmony with myself. The land, who gave me the most beautiful person ever. Once upon a time.
But today, after yesterday's tragedy... I don't feel calm. I'm shaking. I can't believe that it is still happening nowadays.
Today I will do even more serious security and safety checks and searches on the aircraft.
Today I am a little bit nervous to fly.
Today is just another, "typical" Saturday, why am I feeling different and anxious then?!
See you Israel in couple of hours.
I was looking forward to it, even I have seen you last month already.
Sending peace and love.
P.S. Today I am flying for 530 hours (pure flight time as active crew). And my duty time is - 900 hours, since May, 2015. And it is without my travelling time, maybe I should start counting that as well. Unbelievable!
And the best is yet to come.
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