

Some of you already know, that I'm having this certain "monster" in me.

I'm having a sinusitis. You are more than welcome to google it, but in two words - sinus is a hollow, air-filled cavity. A sinus infection occurs when a pathogenic microorganism (virus, bacterium, or a fungus) grows within a sinus and causes intermittent blockage of the sinus ostium. Drainage of mucus and pus often occur when the blockage is relieved. The drainage usually goes from the nasal passages to the throat or out the nostrils. Such infections also cause inflammation (an influx of immune cells and swelling of the sinus tissue) of one or more sinuses. This can to block the openings of the sinuses and leads to discomfort. Some people notice an increased sensitivity or headache when they lean forward because of the additional pressure placed on the sinuses. Others may experience tooth or ear pain, fatigue. In noninfectious sinusitis, other associated allergy symptoms of itching eyes and sneezing may be common, but may include some of the symptoms listed above for infectious sinusitis.

Here is an awesome link, if you want to know more: Sinusitis

I should avoid dry air, sick people, air conditioners and just simply try not to get ill, try not to have running nose, because, if I do - I'm ducked.

Basically - I should avoid/quit my dream job.

You know, how much I love flying, travelling and snorkelling, scuba diving. But underneath it all, you can not imagine the pain I'm feeling with every time I'm doing these amazing things. So...if I'm scuba diving with you or flying with you and I'm acting weird, procrastinating, laughing for no reason, you know - I'm in massive hurt.
And if you don't know, now you know, figga.

Yeah, you can say, that I can travel by train, by car, by ship, by whatever.

No kidding, Sherlock, but should I spend 72 hours of my life to get to Spain by car?
Or - one week to get to Asia? You gotta be kidding, right?

And to be honest if my sinusitis will get worse, I'm afraid, but I'll loose my dreams, I'll say goodbye to my dream job and yeah, enough said.

Sinusitis can become bad enough to cause serious medical complications. Infections can spread around the eye, into the middle ear, and even around the brain (meningitis).

But now... back to sleep and my antibiotics.

Week 1 - pending.

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