
Second week - done!

First of all I must say, that I have successfully passed my exams in Security training, Discipline and responsibilities, and in First aid training.
And practical exams in Fire and smoke training, in water survival training and in medical aspects and First aid training. 
I feel great!
I must say, that I already know so many unbelievably valuable things, that will definitely help me in real life and in work, of course.

I loved fire and smoke training, where we needed to use extinguishers and evacuate people from the aircraft full of smoke, where you can't see anything. And by anything I mean - ANYTHING.

I loved water survival training. Just amazing! Several hours in the water, doing loads of exercises, showing our physic, strength in team work and as individual.

First aid. So truly useful and needed.
Did CPR, did put casualty's in the recovery position, did everything to save the infant's and child's life, managed to rescue chokers and so on.
So many useful information.
Just... so valuable!

But what I loved the most, was Crew resource management class, with an amazing lecturer. Such an interesting, fun, new and so important class. Played cool games, looked at cool pictures, did so many team work plays and studies. Found out, what kind of "animals" and leaders, followers are we. 

We are a great team.
We are so helpful and fun, and do speak about everything in such a comfy and natural way.
Such an amazing atmosphere in our training centre.
Loving it.
I'm getting more and more into it, and I can't wait to get my licence and to begin to do all the amazing practical thingies.
Words can not explain, how excited I am.

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